Huwebes, Hunyo 9, 2011

Fashion Photographers - Model Must-Knows

Fashion photographers are essential to the industry. The world of fashion rely on these people to contribute creative input to sell a product, particularly, high-end clothing. And models depend on photographers to make them look good in photos.

It takes unique artistic vision to become a successful fashion photographer. After all, a fashion photographer's job doesn't only involve taking pictures all day but they also have to embody the concept or inspiration behind the clothes that they are trying to sell. 

  • Models should know that photographers don't always do the job.
          There are photographers that instruct models to "look this way and put your hands up like that" but not all the time - models still have to think of ways to convey the right message to the public through their body language and facial expression.

  • Models should know that photographers don't like wasted frames.
           Professional photoshoots are very expensive and it makes a photographer frustrated if none of the photos he has taken "fits" with the idea and clothing that they are trying to sell to the public. This is why it is important for a model to do a fiercely great job during the photoshoot.

  • Models should know that photographers don't like unprofessional models.
          And by "unprofessional", we mean, bratty, self-absorbed stick-thin figures who arrive 2 hours late for a photoshoot. Making a good impression for a high fashion photographer is just as important as impressing clients or agents or booking a job. Remember that photographers have a lot of connection as well and if they like working with a model, chances are, they will always keep that model in mind whenever a project comes up. Meaning, the model will be hired over and over and over again.

The world of fashion is like a well-oiled machine - everyone needs eachother to make everything work. Models need photographers and photographers need models, so it is important to create good relationships with eachother. Once you understand how fashion photographers work, you will find it easier to deal with them - and even make friends with them.

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